Just the Way It Is

My story, ‘The Way it Is’ is named after one of the most played and famous songs from the Classic Rock Generation. I was listening to it when I was writing this book, and it just seemed, right. It’s about how a young girl is going through the motions of having Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder, (Much like I did when I was younger) and how she didn’t let it get her down. No, she prevailed. In many ways, this girl is me. I want to share with the world that everyone with Epilepsy is like everyone else, except for the fact that their brains glitch once and awhile. My advice to anyone who has Epilepsy, and what my mom has told me many times when I was feeling down, is that we just have more energy in our brains, and it needs to be let out or else all the SMARTNESS will get away!

10 thoughts on “Just the Way It Is

  1. One of my very best friends and two of my dogs had epilepsy. It’s just a medical condition. Don’t let it define you. Don’t let other people make you feel bad about yourself. You appear to be a beautiful and intelligent young woman. I am sure you are an inspiration to other young women with epilepsy.

  2. Yeah, it would nice if more people had this attitude to their own difficulties. “Trust the water and it will hold you up”.
    Thanks for following the fun and games at our blog.

  3. Did you know that many famous people in history had epilepsy? Alexander the Great had it. People then thought it was a sign of greatness from the gods. So, let your greatness shine through.

    Thank you for being one of the first to follow my blog. I’m a writer, too. Keep in touch. 🙂

  4. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award-From Tesscarr | ronovanwrites

  5. I’m glad to meet someone else who sees their “illness” as nothing more than a simple challenge to rise above…no matter how many times I get down about having schizophrenia, I just keep telling myself that it makes me unique and I should use that special part of me to help others and not drown in a pit of despair. You sound like you have a wonderful mom! Thanks for following my blog! – LaVancia

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