
If you dream upon a dream, it’ll come true. I always identified with this particular song lyric/inspirational quote, because if I hadn’t worked as hard as I did, I wouldn’t of gotten so far in life. I’m a daughter, a sister, an author, a Netflix junkie, and most of all? A creator of different worlds. I hope that once my books come out, some people will wear the characters outfits at comic-con. 😉 As some Trekkie’s say, ‘BEAM ME UP SCOTTIE’.

182 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi there! Sounds like we have a few things in common. I’m a Netflix junkie, for sure! My son 18 year old son has seizure disorder, and has since he was 2. I really appreciate your warning about pot. I had no idea. Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate the follow!

  2. Cool blog! Ill be checking it out when I get some free time for sure. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    P.S. If you wanna ship me your dental medication I can forward you my address ;).

  3. Hi, I wanted to take a moment & thank you for following my blog, Every Little Thought. I apologize for not sending this sooner. I’m hoping you’re enjoying the holiday season, whatever you celebrate.

  4. Pingback: New Followers! | THOUGHTS OF A POET IN THE RAIN

  5. “A creator of different worlds.”

    I love that phrase. It’s what bloggers do and you captured it perfectly.

    Thanks for following my blog!

  6. “I hope that once my books come out, some people will wear the characters outfits at comic-con.”

    I love that way of identifying success. I’ve always longed for the day my story gets made into an online game, but this is a really awesome way of thinking about it!

  7. Hi! Popped over to thank you for the follow and am overwhelmed by your blog! I’ve never seen another one like it…..so much to take in! Look forward to discovering more about you and your journey!

  8. Hi Megan. My name is Michael, author of SPIRIT Ministries. I would like to thank you for the follow. Could I ask you how you came across my blog? By the way, AWESOME blog! You go girl. God bless you. Mark 10:27 says; With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

  9. Hi Megan, Thank you for following my photography blog, Jane’s Lens. I hope you enjoy my work. I am blown away by your great writing, candor and positive spirit. Good luck with your book and I know there will be many more to come!

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